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Jul 14

Discover the Truth About PRP Therapy

PRP Therapy Injection in Knee Used For Regenerative Medicine

Dispelling the Most Common Myths

Myth 1: PRP is a risky procedure.

Fact: PRP therapy is incredibly safe! Since it’s made from your blood, there’s no need to worry about adverse reactions or side effects. Medical experts and researchers consider PRP safe and have used it for years without significant complications.

Myth 2: PRP is only for cosmetic problems.

Fact: PRP has numerous applications beyond cosmetics. It accelerates healing and relieves pain in various health conditions, such as orthopedic injuries, soft tissue damage, and inflammatory conditions like tendonitis. It even aids in bone regeneration and healing slow-healing wounds.

Myth 3: PRP therapy requires surgery.

Fact: PRP therapy is non-surgical. In most cases, PRP is injected using real-time imaging to guide the needle precisely to the injured tissues. While it can be injected for cosmetic treatments, surgical procedures are not solely performed for PRP application.

Myth 4: PRP is only suitable for pain relief.

Fact: PRP offers more than pain relief. Its platelets release growth factors and signaling molecules that regulate inflammation, recruit stem cells, stimulate tissue production, promote blood vessel growth, prevent degeneration, and support new tissue growth. It accelerates tissue regeneration and healing while providing pain relief.

Myth 5: PRP is a new therapy.

Fact: PRP has been used since the 1970s and has a rich history across various medical fields. It has been extensively used in musculoskeletal injuries, maxillofacial surgery, and cosmetic procedures. It’s actively studied and applied in cardiology, gynecology, ophthalmology, and more.

Regarding PRP therapy, trust the experts at Bozeman Sports Medicine. Please schedule an appointment with our PRP specialists today!

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